Tuesday, April 8, 2014

ATF war on EP Armory illustrates arbitrary inanity of gun regulation

Whether the frame is made first, and then filled in with plastic of another color, that will then have to be removed; or the to-be-removed portion is made first, and the frame formed around it--the aspiring builder gets the same thing, and has to do the same amount of work, either way. Selling a receiver made as outlined in the first example, though, without observing all the legal niceties required for gun commerce, would be a federal felony, while selling receivers manufactured by the second described technique, without any controls at all, is completely legal. How is the first scenario any more "harmful" than the second?


Anonymous said...

Will you please identify all articles that are posted from the Examiner. That website constantly locks up my computers. Thanks

FedUp said...

I always position the mouse over the link and read the address in the status bar on my browser when clicking. I don't have a problem with Examiner.com, but I don't want to give page views to places like MediaMatters.

Anonymous said...

Exposed here is the fact that literally all the offensive and infringing gun control rests in the "regulation of commerce" lie fabricated out of whole cloth by the nine robed kings. Freemen are neither States, nor Foreign Powers, nor Indian Tribes. The republican form of government was simply never empowered to stick its nose into private contracts UNLESS one private party accused, in court, another party of failing to uphold the tenets of that private two party contract. And even THEN it is only empowered to see the contract enforced.

The TRUTH is that government is not empowered to decide whether one process is proper and the other is not or even if it makes a difference. It literally is none of governments business as a matter of several points. It's private contract. It's being secure in our affects. It's Second Amendment. At LEAST thrice over this is protected behavior that gubmint has no authority over!

Political elite KNOW FULL WELL that this isn't about guns. It's about CONTROL. For he vast majority of aggression it perpetrates stems from this bogus manufactured power that amounts to an amending of our Constitution created by the high court- which is itself unconstitutional. There is no such thing as "interstate" and "intrastate" commerce much less "affecting" either.

The elite engage in gun control because standing down on that front would jeopardize control over so many other things. They "must" hold on to that precious commerce clause precedent no matter how bogus their position.

Slaughterhouse cases, folks. If only people would educate themselves about how milk and meat have been employed to bastardized plain reading of our constitution and snatch away it's meaning AND OUR RIGHTS!

When broken apart by black -white, gay - straight, rich -poor, old - young, gun owner- not, taxed- untaxed, pro abortion- anti abortion, pro illegal immigration - anti illegal immigration, etc etc we are a house divided that cannot stand. All while "commerce" is at the heart of it ALL and it is never addressed head on. If we educate our brethren about the ROOT corruption, the snatching of economic freedom via SCOTUS deviance, we can once again stand united in the face of a thousand and one intolerable acts.

It really does come down to this. In the Constitutional context,privileges and immunities CAN ONLY be synonymous with RIGHTS. Meaning here that manufacturing these lowers and selling them -via either process- is a matter of PRIVILEGE, by RIGHT, and that IMMUNITY to prosecution by government for doing so MUST exist.

Freemen simply MUST unite around common purpose no matter the object, we must see through the trees and focus on the subject - Liberty. Privilege AND immunity.

Only when we force front and center the bastardization of the word privilege will madness like this articles example come to resolution.

Challenge your friends, no matter what the object, to address the subject. Open the text of the 14th and ask them to explain how the word privilege can mean allowance/permission by supplanting one for the other with in that text. They will find that it is nonsensical to do so. Then ask them to supplant rights instead of allowance/ permission. You will see the light bulb go on.... The moment of insight.

Doing business, guns or widgets, IS a matter of RIGHT! it is NOT a permission that we are allowed so long as we do so at the time place and manner dictated to us by gubmint.

Anonymous said...

I emailed EPArmory and told them if they are not doing anything wrong, then POST A VIDEO on YouTube showing how the lower is made. If they are indeed forming the lower around the core, the show us. Then there will be no doubt they are not breaking any law. So far, nothing from them.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit which way it's formed? Just b/c a bureaucrat made a rule about how it must be formed to be 'legal' does not make it morally correct.

The end result is the same. The end user still has to build it into a functioning lower with the same amount of steps.

Quit getting so wrapped up in being a "law abiding citizen" that you condemn others for not being a outright slave to the bureaucracy.

Anonymous said...

Hey "post a video"....
Let's say you were manufacturing a unique fishing lure and government came down on you like this - like via the EPA.

Would you just trot out your process for all to see and destroy the niche you created? I get your sentiment and agree in spirit but have to say it's not that easy. It's kinda like asking coke to post its recipe. It just ain't in the cards.

Anonymous said...

Forming the parts to be removed first would require a much more complicated, precise and thus SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive mold. That being the case, I can see how, if someone they wanted to discourage something they could not simply prohibit, they might try to do so by effectively outlawing the less expensive process. It's actually not all that machiavellian a plan. Of course, given that few who go into civil service are the brightest bulbs on the marquee, the maxim "Never confuse wisdom with luck." (Ferengi rule of acquisition # 44) could also obtain. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

PS to Anon @ 8:22 AM: Gubment can do whatever it damned well pleases so long as nobody FORCES it to do otherwise. As a very wise man (Kurt Hofman, IMS) once wrote "Remember: Evil exists because good men don't kill the government officials committing it.