Monday, April 7, 2014

Great. Now the basement's flooded.


bondmen said...

I hate water in the basement! I work extra hard to clear the gutters and make sure the drain tiles are obstruction free so water can pass out to the street and down the storm sever. Of course one's location relative to surrounding elevation is a major factor in how much water one might see around and or in the house. Then there's the basement sewer drain that in some folks' homes can gush copious amounts of water in a big storm. Of course porous foundation walls or one with cracked concrete is a font for the wet stuff. I'm having the plumber come out this week to cable my drain tiles from the street up to the downspouts and around the back of the house too, while I run the hose in the gutter to wash out the roof grains loosened by hail and rain and the tree roots that find an oasis in my drain tiles.

Is there a solution for fixing your rain water in basement Mike?

Anonymous said...

Want some Tilapia fingerlings ?

Sean said...

Mike, if you mop when it's relatively dry with straight vinegar, it will go a long way towards cutting down on both algae/fungus, and that smell.

Ron Thomas said...

Until you are actually making a post from inside the belly of the whale...
Remember He never gives us more than we can handle. Although I have often wondered just HOW MUCH one person can handle!

Anonymous said...

You lucky bastard .... now you can stock it up and fish in the basement ...

Anonymous said...

That's why I live on a slab.
Everyone I know who has a basement gets this drama at some point. I chose to avoid it.

Anonymous said...

1. I like Bleach & water, 20:1 for cleanup.

2. If you have a sump, put in a dual system -- a submersible for the main, pedestal for backup.

3. Replumb with 2 check valves EACH pump -- if 1 fails, the system will just recirculate & flood!

4. Use 2 separate fused circuits.
